Asyluminflux and production figures about First Instance, Review and Appeal are known, but there is no direct relation between these two numbers
نظام متابعة إجراءاتاللجوء
Individual asylum procedures
باء- إجراءاتاللجوء الفردية
Promoting national legislation and asylum procedures
تعزيز التشريعات الوطنية وإجراءاتاللجوء
Access to a fair and prompt asylum procedure
إتاحة إجراءاتلجوء عادلة وسريعة
Access to asylum procedures
دال - الوصول إلى إجراءاتاللجوء
Efforts were made to ensure that asylum procedures were completed rapidly.
وتُبذل جهود لضمان استيفاء إجراءاتاللجوء بسرعة.
Asylum seeking procedures.
إجراءات التماس اللجوء.
Asylum Procedures in Mass Influx Situations Demilitarisation of Refugee Camps and the Civilian Character of Asylum International Burden/Responsibility Sharing Early Warning and Prevention
• إجراءاتاللجوء في حالات تدفق اللاجئين بأعداد كبيرة
Although the 1951 Convention does not deal explicitly with mass influx situations, neither is it restricted to individual refugee status determination.